Ep. 48 - Sports! (Grab Your No. 3 Pencils)

Whether you're playing them or screaming about them from the comfort of your sofa, just about everyone has an opinion on sports... unless you don't, which I guess is an opinion itself. This week, we break into a sweat arguing about frisbees, fandom, and MMA fighting.

Ep. 42 - Stress (My Butthole Forever)

Dealing with stress is tricky, but it seems to get easier as we get older. We learn to use the different tools at our disposal (i.e., werewolf transformations, Shrek calendars, Wakandan bidets, etc.) to eventually overcome.

Ep. 41 - Mischief (How To Eat A Baby)

It's not quite bad or illegal... it's mischief. Testing boundaries and seeing how far you can go before getting into trouble. But was this experience better as a kid when those boundaries were abundant, or now that we're adults when we can do whatever the heck we want?

Ep. 38 - Consequences (No New Friends?)

Obviously, a couple of bad boys like Jordan and Felix know all about consequences. Come hear all of our stories from the clink (and, by that, I mean listen to how we forged report cards, stuffed our bodies with garbage food, and disobeyed our parents).

Ep. 36 - Exercise (Mr. Mumau and his Rod)

We're more adept at running from our problems than for health purposes, but that doesn't mean we won’t comment on exercise in general. Was it better as kids with our grass-stained feet and, frankly, too much energy? Or is it better in the present now that we know the true benefits?

Ep. 35 - Learning (The Scatting Episode)

Everybody takes in information and synthesizes it in a different way. Some are visual learners, some are tactile learners, some come up with excuses as to why they shouldn't have to learn just to become another cog in the government’s system, right, brah? Wait, what were we talking about? #Legalizeit